On the 17th of February we headed to a favorite camping area we hadn't visited since having kids. A privately owned campground at the base of the Chichester Dam, Chichester provides about a third of the lower hunters water supply.
ferndalepark is a peaceful scenic campground situated on the river at the base of the Dam. We camped with a friend that I work with who also has two girls, there was lots of bike riding and swimming in the river.
Ferndale is also good for people who like a few extra creature comforts with powered sites available and a toilet block with hot showers and flushing toilets. Our inflatable boat got a good run it was beneficial camping there in the warmer months as we spent lots of time in the refreshing clean water.
There was a caravan club there when we stayed, busting out the yoga classes early in the morning and all gathering for happy hour drinks in the evening.
Decided I wasn't a fan of the caravan club when they told us my friends dog that wasn't bothering anyone and was laying under the van should be on a lead and asked us seriously if our smouldering fire that consisted of a couple of glowing logs with about a 30m radius clear from anything that could catch on fire was under control.
Ferndale do allow you to take pets which is great for pet owners. They ask you to control your animals. So if your dog behaves like an over opinionated Caravan club organizer you may want to keep it on a lead.
The camp stew on this trip was a bit of a flavourless failure so I don't have much to say about that.
The walk to the dam wall was worth it there are picnic areas at the base of the dam if your're a fan of a cut lunch and being organized.
There are big pipes that show the way to the dam I'm sure they serve another purpose beside that and giving something for my children
to climb all over.
The dam sounds a deep sounding bugle siren every morning that kind of sounds like the sound that is made when someone dies in the hunger games. The landscape also has that hunger games feel to it with a little less imminent death.
If you do have a phobia of anything that resemble a possibility of discomfort there is also the option of country cottages at ferndale or you could just stay at home? and at this point i'd like to invite you to stop reading this blog.
Walking out on the Dam wall is something you probably should do while you there unless you have vertigo in that case you should stay well clear. I'm sure for the photography enthusiast there would be more opportunities then I can demonstrate with my point an shoot approach but the eerie haze can create a good effect if the light is right on the dam
I really recommend this spot for so many different reasons and I'm sure we will frequent this place in the coming years and not leave it another 9 year before our next visit.